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Sight In.


Test Loads.

The range is open

Note: the road has large gauge gravel, please ensure you have a suitable vehicle and the ability to change a tyre if need be. If your vehicle doesn't have a spare, you should not travel this road.

Events will become available when we have Range Officers arranged for the session.

The range is primarily used for competition, sighting in rifles, testing reloads and generally having a good time. We supply range officers to operate the range in a safe manner, the ranges officers also have a lot of knowledge they can share.

Our range facility includes a 25m, 100m and 200m mound. The 200m range is available to members only and requires that the 25m and 100m ranges are shut down. Occasional shotgun shoots are also run from the 100m mound and the range is well used by affiliated pistol and black powder clubs. Check our range schedule below for times and events!

Members Access to the Range

Access to the range is included in our NZDA Auckland Branch membership, make sure you make use of this great resource.

Members have access to both member only days and general practice days, including the 200m range*, You must register for the events you want to attend. If you are not registered, you will be turned away.

Please do no attend if you are feeling unwell. 

Members are encouraged to come along to the competition days, there are a number of trophies that can be won along with various target shooting disciplines to test your skills and help improve your accuracy.

Members are welcome to bring guests to General Public days with a $40 session fee. There are no eftpos facilities at the range, fees must be paid at time of booking. We don't accept cash.

* Note: 3rd party bookings for the range may charge a fee for entry

Public Access to the range

We provide access to the range for non members/the general public who hold a current firearms license, you can attend General Practice sessions in the range calendar. Please register for these events 

There is a $50 per session fee for public access, this fee is prepaid through registering for the public range events.

Please remember we don't accept cash for bookings, any fees must be paid at the time of registration. There are no eftpos facilities at the range.

The General Practice sessions provide access to the 25m, 50m and 100m ranges only and can be used for rifle sight in and target shooting.

If you are attending the range on a regular basis, speak to a range office about membership or apply to become a member.

Note: member only days do not provide public access, you will be turned away if you are not registered.

General Rules

Before you attend the range

Changes to Range Event Access

With the changes to the arms act to impose more regulation and certification on gun ranges the Committee now requires registration and prepayment for range events with limited numbers. The range calendar reflects the available events and has a registration capability and support for online prepayments. Members, Guests of Members and General Public must all register for events, fees payable listed are above.

  • Registrations close midnight on the Thursday before an event.
  • You will be asked to show your firearms license at the gate.
  • Cancellation of registration or cancellation of events at the discretion of the Range Convenor will add an event credit to your login that can be used at a later date. No cash refunds will be issued. 

General Information and Range Standing Orders

You must read and agree to the General Rules and Range Standing Orders before entering the forest or using the range.

  • Remember to leave all equipment/firearms in your vehicle until the safety briefing has been completed.
  • For any range enquires please email [email protected]

To shoot on the range you must:

  • Have Class 5 hearing protection for each person in the form of earmuffs, ear plugs are not sufficient - Hearing protection is available for purchase and must be paid by cash.
  • Chamber flags are required for all guns, if you forget chamber flags are available for purchase at $5 each and must be paid by cash.
  • Targets for shooting, if you do not have sight in targets, you may purchase them, paid by cash
  • You must present a valid arms license or be directly supervised by someone with a valid arms license.  
  • Follow the range officer's instructions at all times.
  • Ensure your firearms meet the current arms act - Illegal firearms are not permitted on the range. If in doubt, leave it in your safe and speak to a range officer.
  • Note Range entry and exit times are strictly observed (turn up early to avoid disappointment)
 Sessions Gate Entry   Gate Exit
 Morning 09:00 to 12:30  08:45 to 09:00 12:45 to 13:00 
 Afternoon 13:00 to 16:30 12:45 to 13:00

 16:45 to 17:00 (or earlier if all finished)

  • Have your headlights on to enter the forest, make sure you turn them off when you park.
  • Observe the speed limit of 30kmph

Next 6 Events... See full calendar below


Target Shooting and Competitions for Members

The club has a number of trophies to award for member only shooting events held at the range each year, if you would like to compete click here to go to the competitions page.

Finding Us

RANGE ENTRY AND EXIT TIMES MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. The entrance to the range is located off Forestry road, please wait at the gate indicated on the map. Note: If you're using google maps, it may try take you along the indicated blue line, do not follow this route.

Range Notices & Updates


- eftpos is not available at the Range -

  • 06/04/2022- Vaccine Passes are no longer required.
  • 01/03/2022- Range is open, Limits to numbers attending and vaccine passports required
  • 22/08/2021- Range closed until further notice. Due to COVID-19 LVL 4
  • 30/07/2021 - Range Calendar PDF updated, new version uploaded.
  • 24/09/2020 - Range reopens to public and visitors under lvl 2.0
  • 31/08/2020 - Range status remains closed, COVID-19 Lock Down lvl 2.5
  • 12/08/2020 - Range status updated to closed, COVID-19 Lock Down
  • 01/08/2020 - Casual range visit fee $40.00 | Members free

  • 02/07/2020 - Range reopens to public and visitors

  • 20/06/2020 - Range Cal 2020-2021 available online

  • 20/06/2020 - Amended Range SOP available online

  • 13/06/2020 - Range reopens to members and associated Organisations /w cards

  • 25/03/2020 - Range status updated to closed, COVID-19 Lock Down

  • 29/03/2019 - Range updates 1-4 added.

Our Branch

7 Target Street, Point Chevalier,
Auckland 1022

[email protected]


We meet every second Tuesday of the month.


Auckland Branch of the NZDA

The Auckland branch of New Zealand Deerstalkers'
exists to promote safe and enjoyable hunting
the sport of shooting and related activities.

Around the Camp Fire

Field Guidelines
Ethical Guidelines
Club Rules

Copyright 2020 NZDA Auckland Branch. All Rights Reserved

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