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NZDA Ethical Guidelines

Every member of the New Zealand Deerstalkers Association shall:

1. Honor the Associations Policy, Code of Ethics and Guidelines, and abide by the rules of officially recognized Game management plans.

2. Maintain safe mountain and Alpine practices.

3. Respect the property of others and leave huts in a clean and orderly condition with plentiful supply of fuel and ensure the proper disposal of refuse.

4. Avoid disturbances to stock, assist stock in distress and leave gates as found.

5. Refrain from the coursing of Deer, Thar, and Chamois with dogs.

6. Exercise at all times proper precautions against fire, water pollution and damage to the forest.

7. Not hunt or carry a firearm on property without the proper approval of the owner, occupier or controlling authority and shall strictly observe any conditions imposed upon him.

8. Not use aircraft for any purpose other than transportation of personnel, or equipment to or from a predetermined base, airstrip or drop-site.

9. Approach recreational hunting from the highest possible level of ethics, having due regard to the welfare of the animals hunted, and prevention of cruelty to the same.

Field Guidelines

Comming ...

Club Rules

Comming ...

Range Rules & Procedures

A registered Range Officer will control all official posted “Range Days”.

Red flags are posted at entry and around danger area before firing starts and remove as soon as possible after firing ceases for the day. The rules as laid down must be strictly adhered to. Failure to comply will render the member or visitor liable to immediate suspension from all range activities.


1. The Range Officer is in complete and absolute control of range.

2. Absolutely no liquor on the range while rifles are at hand.

3. At all times firearms must have action open, only at the mound or at the gun stations can actions be closed on instruction from the Range Officer.

4. No one is to touch or handle a firearm without the express permission from the owner.

5. No one shall move forward to the mound or leave the butts unless the Range Officer gives the “all clear”.

6. No one, except the detail firing, is allowed on the mound without the permission of the Range Officer.

7. When a red flag is hoisted all shooting is to stop immediately and all actions must be opened.

8. No unsafe ammunition is allowed. Illegal firearms and/or ammunition deemed to be unsafe by the Range Officer cannot, be used on the range under any circumstances.

9. No loading firearms or attaching magazines to rifles is allowed without the express permission of the Range Officer.

10. In the case of a miss-fire, the bolt must be kept close for at least 30 seconds and the Range Officer notified by raising one hand.

11. When leaving the mound rifles must be presented with the bolt open for inspections by the Range Officer.

12. Dry sighting may be done only with the express permission of the Range Officer and only in the area designated.

13. The 25m and the other ranges may only be used with the permission of the Range Officer and under the supervision of the Range Officer, Assistant Range Officer or designated official.

NOTE - To help us run the range in a safe, efficient and pleasant manner, please obey the rules and assist on the range or at the butts when requested.

Privacy Policy

Under the terms of the Privacy Act 1993, I acknowledge that you are retaining my name and details for the purpose of mailing, emails, phone calls or text messages in order provide further information on the NZDA including your membership, and other hunting related matters. And as a member of the New Zealand Deerstalkers Association Inc;

I agree to abide to the Associations rules and all official hunting and firearms regulations.

Our Branch

7 Target Street, Point Chevalier,
Auckland 1022

[email protected]


We meet every second Tuesday of the month.


Auckland Branch of the NZDA

The Auckland branch of New Zealand Deerstalkers'
exists to promote safe and enjoyable hunting
the sport of shooting and related activities.

Around the Camp Fire

Field Guidelines
Ethical Guidelines
Club Rules

Copyright 2020 NZDA Auckland Branch. All Rights Reserved

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