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Black Powder rifle shoot - Afternoon

  • 11/05/2024
  • 12:45 PM - 4:45 PM
  • NZDA Auckland Range, off Forestry Road
  • 23

antique arms



100m Range Open 

Range fee payable to Antique Arms

Bring out the old BP guns!

There will be plenty of help available if required!

Gate Entry: 12:45 to 13:00  

Gate Exit: 16:45 to 17:00

Please closely follow the gate entry and exit times

 Please send any questions through to [email protected]

General Information and Safety rules

You must read and agree to both the General Rules and Safety Rules before entering the forest or using the range.

  • Remember to leave all equipment/firearms in your vehicle until the safety briefing has been completed

To shoot on the range you must:

  • Have Class 5 hearing protection for each person in the form of ear muffs, ear plugs are not sufficient - Hearing protection is available for purchase at $20 cash 
  • Present a valid arms license or be directly supervised by someone with a valid arms license.  
  • Follow the range officers instructions at all times.
  • Ensure your fire arms meet the current arms act changes - Illegal firearms' are not permitted on the range if in doubt leave it in your safe and speak to a range officer.

Note Range entry and exit times are strictly observed
(turn up early to avoid disappointment)

     Sessions Gate Entry   Gate Exit
     Morning 09:00 to 12:30  08:45 to 09:00 12:45 to 13:00 
     Afternoon 13:00 to 16:30 12:45 to 13:00  16:45 to 17:00
    • You must have your headlights on to enter the forest, make sure you turn them off when you park.
    • Observe the speed limit of 30kmph

    Finding Us:

    The entrance to the range is located off Forestry road, please wait at the gate indicated on the map.

    Note: If you're using google maps, it may try take you along the indicated blue line, do not follow this route.

    Our Branch

    7 Target Street, Point Chevalier,
    Auckland 1022

    [email protected]


    We meet every second Tuesday of the month.


    Auckland Branch of the NZDA

    The Auckland branch of New Zealand Deerstalkers'
    exists to promote safe and enjoyable hunting
    the sport of shooting and related activities.

    Around the Camp Fire

    Field Guidelines
    Ethical Guidelines
    Club Rules

    Copyright 2020 NZDA Auckland Branch. All Rights Reserved

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