NZDA Auckland Branch March Club Night
Our March branch meeting is just around the corner, cold drinks, veni-steak sandwiches and a few good tales to welcome in 2020 for our club night meetings.
The meeting will start from 7.30pm at the Branch club rooms at Pt Chev
Meeting format:
7.00pm Arrival & Introduction
7.30pm approx. Meeting Kick-off
7:45pm approx. Branch update and meeting
This month speaker is Thane Young, Rogee Productions and Hunting Enthusiast. Thanes hunting focused is around many of the places our members get to enjoy, mainly around the Central & Lower North Island of New Zealand.
Thane Young brings an authentic appeal and realism to the hunting adventures he and his mates get out on. Filling the freezer and giving each other a bit of stick and having a good time in the great out doors.
Thane and the Crew don't pretend to be experts in anything but, certainly do the mahi and walk off the hill at the end of the day with something to show for their efforts.
He will talk about his hunting & fishing background and some of the challenges of being hunter seen through the eyes of social media...bring an open mind and lots of questions.
We look forward to hearing all about it and seeing you all there.
Upcoming Branch Meetings and Speakers:
Next meeting: Tues, 14th April
Speaker: Members night