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May Club Night - Roar 2019

  • 14/05/2019
  • 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • 7 Target St, Point Chevalier, Auckland 1022


Registration is closed

The 2019 roar has been huge for the NZDA AKL branch, with many members taking home some amazing trophies.

So if you have a great story or keen to hear a first hand account then get along to our club night. Open to the public (so don't be shy). Just register for the night and and get ready for a night of hunting related chat. 

We are always on the look out for awesome guest speakers. So if you know anyone who has a good yarn please contact the committee at our email address [email protected].

Our Branch

7 Target Street, Point Chevalier,
Auckland 1022

[email protected]


We meet every second Tuesday of the month.


Auckland Branch of the NZDA

The Auckland branch of New Zealand Deerstalkers'
exists to promote safe and enjoyable hunting
the sport of shooting and related activities.

Around the Camp Fire

Field Guidelines
Ethical Guidelines
Club Rules

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