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Range Working Bee 24th Feb @ 9am *Lend a hand, roll up your sleeves!

  • 24/02/2018
  • 9:00 AM


Please click on the "YES" button even if you are unsure you will be in attendance, this simply adds you to the check off list at the door and will help to speed things up.
Registration is closed

DATE: Saturday 24th February 2018

WHERE: NZDA Auckland branch range, Matariki Forest, Riverhead.

TIME: 9.00 am Gate entry

OBJECTIVE: This is a notice that we are going to hold a working bee at the range on the above date. This replaces the Rimfire silhouette shoot as previously advertised. The following work to be carried out is a follow up after the last one & needs to be carried out before the prize shoot.

  1. Finish off the 50m target support system.
  2. Lift up the Astroturf on the 200m mound for filling up the dip.
  3. Lift up the Astroturf on the 100m mound & smooth off.
  4. Lift up the Astroturf in front of the 100m mound so the ground level can be raised.
  5. General range tidy up.

Please bring along spades, shovels, grubbers, loppers & general hand tools. If you are able to help please contact me on [09] 846 1946 [evenings].

Our Branch

7 Target Street, Point Chevalier,
Auckland 1022

[email protected]


We meet every second Tuesday of the month.


Auckland Branch of the NZDA

The Auckland branch of New Zealand Deerstalkers'
exists to promote safe and enjoyable hunting
the sport of shooting and related activities.

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